《文庫版》奇縁まんだら [YB070]

《文庫版》奇縁まんだら [YB070]

販売価格: 814(税込)

重さ: 156g


著者/(著)瀬戸内寂聴  (画)横尾忠則 
発行/日本経済新聞出版社  日経文芸文庫


惜しまれて終了した日経新聞連載から3年、毎週日曜の紙面を飾っていた瀬戸内寂聴さんの名物エッセイが4冊シリーズの文庫本になります。シリーズ第1弾は谷崎潤一郎、川端康成、三島由紀夫、岡本太郎など、錚々たる日本の文豪・芸術家21人との想い出をつづっています。生前に交わした言葉やかざらない表情から、創作に対する厳しさとユーモアがにじみ出し、時に飛び出すなまめかしい告白に、人間味豊かな素顔が浮かびあがります。まさに日本近代文学史ライブ! 新聞連載、豪華本を未読の方は、この機会にぜひ。

島崎藤村 正宗白鳥 川端康成 三島由紀夫 谷崎潤一郎 佐藤春夫 舟橋聖一 丹羽文雄 稲垣足穂 宇野千代 今東光 松本清張 河盛好蔵 里見弴 荒畑寒村 岡本太郎 檀一雄 平林たい子 平野謙 遠藤周作 水上勉


Product ID: YB070
Product Name: 《Bunko Edition》 Kien Mandara
Author/(Author) Jakucho Setouchi (Painting) Tadanori Yokoo 
Publisher: Nikkei Bungei Bunko (Nikkei Literature and Art Collection)
Style: Paperback edition, 288 pages

Unknown secret stories and amusing gossip about the great writers, which only Jakucho could write. ......
This gorgeous book, which includes Yokoo's portraits, is now available in a handy paperback edition.
(*This item is the paperback version of http://www.tadanoriyokoo.jp/product/125 of "Kien Mandara".)

Three years after his serialization in the Nikkei Shimbun, which sadly came to an end, Jakucho Setouchi's famous essays, which graced the pages of the Sunday paper every week, are now available in a four-volume series of paperbacks. The first volume in the series is about his memories of 21 eminent Japanese writers and artists, including Tanizaki Junichiro, Kawabata Yasunari, Mishima Yukio, Okamoto Taro, and others. The words they exchanged before their deaths and the expressions on their faces reveal their humor as well as the severity of their creative endeavors, while the sly confessions that sometimes pop up reveal their true personalities. This is truly a live history of modern Japanese literature! If you have not read the newspaper serialization or the gorgeous book, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

《Writers and artists featured in this book》
Toson Shimazaki, Shiratori Masamune, Yasunari Kawabata, Yukio Mishima, Junichiro Tanizaki, Haruo Sato, Seiichi Funahashi, Fumio Niwa, Ashio Inagaki, Chiyo Uno, Toko Kon, Seicho Matsumoto, Yoshizo Kawamori, Min Satomi, Samson Arahata, Taro Okamoto, Kazuo Dan, Taiko Hirabayashi, Ken Hirano, Shusaku Endo, Ben Mizukami

The following is a list of the strange fate that Jakucho encountered with great writers and artists who are now deceased. The words he exchanged with these writers and their expressions reveal the harshness and humor of their creative lives, while the sly confessions he sometimes made reveal their true personalities. Nikkei's signature essay is finally available in paperback! Included at the end of the book is an essay by the late Saiichi Marutani, who praised this book highly.