髑髏絵皿セット [YY003]
販売価格: 38,500円(税込)
重さ: 4100g
制作年:2000 素材:陶器 美濃焼 大皿1枚、小皿5枚
サイズ:大皿33.5cm 小皿13.5cm
○大皿につきまして 大皿の製作は左右対称の扇型銅版(素焼き転写)を丁寧に張り合わせ、呉須色を素焼きにしみ込ませる技法で作成された器です、素焼きに張り合わせる段階で一度しみ込ませると、修復が困難なため熟練の陶工による作業が必要となります。 皿の裏側にも紋様が施されているため、手作業の釉薬の塗布にも気を使い、円ゴロ(焼成するための土状の型)が大きいため一度の焼成に数枚しか窯入れができないため制作に大変時間のかかる器となります。
○小皿につきまして 絵代わり小皿は五つの絵柄からなり、いろいろな紋様を楽しむことができます。 製作段階における工程はさほど大皿と変わりはありませんが、紋様を損なわないよう、陶工の手により、皿目一杯の紋様となっております、細かな線も銅版が小さいため、張りやすく、はっきりと紋様が浮かび上がります。
【NAME】Dish set with skulls
【Contents & ID】1 large plate, 5 small plates YY003
【SIZE】Large dish 33.5cm Small dish 13.5cm
【QUALITY】Ceramic Mino ware
■The production process of Skulls and Skulls Dish
1. Unglazed ⇒ The plate is molded and put in a kiln at 250℃-300℃.
2. Painting ⇒ Gosu (dark blue pigment used for underglaze painting) is applied to Mino paper (similar to shoji paper). Gosu is a dark blue coloring used for underglaze painting.) The design of the skull is printed on Mino paper (like shoji paper) and transferred to the plate.
3. baking ⇒ After baking at 1200 to 1300℃, white glaze is added to the plate with only the picture of a skull left on it, and the white glaze is left between the pictures.
※Each piece is made by hand.
○About the platter
The platter is made by carefully laminating symmetrical fan-shaped copper plates (unglazed transfer) and applying the Kuresu color to the unglazed surface.
Because the back of the dish is also decorated with a pattern, the application of glaze by hand requires a lot of care, and the large size of the round shape (clay mold for firing) means that only a few pieces can be fired in the kiln at one time.
○About small dishes
The small dish consists of five patterns, and you can enjoy a variety of patterns.
The process of production is not so different from that of large dishes, but the potter's hands are made to fill the dish to the fullest so as not to spoil the patterns.